Continue Changing the World for Farm Animals.
What is happening to farm animals right this moment behind closed doors is one of the greatest ethical issues of our time.
Still, there is hope… because people like you care.
People like you make this work possible. Through Farm Sanctuary’s unique combination of rescue, education, and advocacy, you change the lives of farm animals – farm animals who are as every bit as sensitive, kind, social, and special as the cats and dogs many of us know a little better.
When you create a gift in your will, trust, investment accounts, retirement plans, or other estate plans, you open a gateway to remarkable change for these gentle beings. Putting a legacy gift in place is an easy and meaningful way to continue changing the world for farm animals and make sure your steadfast care and your bright hope for a better world shine through in your plans.
"Our hope is that someday, organizations that rescue farm animals won’t need to exist, because we will have ended the unthinkable abuses that they endure — together.
By including Farm Sanctuary in our estate plans, we know that they will do for us what we have so far been unable to do (to our family and friends, in particular), and that is to convince people that farm animals are just as deserving of our love and support as every other animal in this world, both wild and domesticated.”
– Heather and Ron, Legacy Society, New York
It can be as simple as including language like this in your will:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Farm Sanctuary, Inc., federal tax identification number 51-0292919, 3100 Aikens Road, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 [insert estate distribution percentage, sum, or description of property] to be used for its general purposes.”
We have a new estate planning tool, courtesy of FreeWill to help you get started on your plans for free. You can use this tool on your own or use it in conjunction with an attorney to save time and money. Get started on your free will today!