Mary and Scott

Mary pets cow residentMy path to Farm Sanctuary started in 1984 when I became a vegetarian by asking myself, “If you love animals, then why do you eat them?”  Being both a biologist and a wildlife rehabilitator, I was aware that all animals are sentient beings with their own individual personalities who have emotions and feel pain, and I knew that I wanted to do more on their behalf. When I learned about Farm Sanctuary through another animal rights organization, I knew that I definitely wanted to become a member.  


Over the years, through its various programs, Farm Sanctuary has given me the incentive to become more active in giving a voice to farm animals. Farm Sanctuary’s advocacy program has motivated me to become more involved in helping to pass state and federal legislation to improve factory farm conditions. Through their education program, I learned about the horrors of factory farming and became a vegan, and I began encouraging others to think about the plight of farm animals and to “think before they eat.” By rescuing and protecting animals, Farm Sanctuary inspired me to not only sponsor turkeys at Thanksgiving, but to become a year-round  “sponsor mom” to Frank (the “runaway steer”).  

My first visit to Farm Sanctuary was 11 years ago, and it was wonderful to see all of the animals so happy, healthy, and enjoying life, which is a great testament to the wonderful care and compassion that is given to all of the feathered and furry animals that call Farm Sanctuary home.  

Therefore, when we heard about the Legacy Society, it was an easy decision for my husband, Scott, and me to designate Farm Sanctuary as the beneficiary in our will. We take solace in knowing that, through our contribution to the Legacy Society, Farm Sanctuary will be able to continue to do the wonderful work on behalf of farm animals that they do today.  Mary pets pig resident

Whether it is through advocacy, education, rescue, or providing a safe and loving home at one of its sanctuaries, we greatly appreciate Farm Sanctuary for giving us the opportunity to be a part of their family and helping all of our furry and feathered farm animal friends.